Siteman Cancer Center Discovery Fund

Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center at Washington University School of Medicine and Barnes-Jewish Hospital is changing the face of cancer through new technologies and targeted therapies. Gifts to Siteman's Discovery Fund allow director, Dr. Timothy J. Eberlein, to support promising new areas of research, making a difference in the lives of our patients and the people who love them.

Research grants alone cannot fully support Siteman Cancer Center’s basic and clinical research or meet all the urgent needs of our educational programs, patient care programs, and infrastructure. Recruiting and training talented researchers, acquiring the latest research equipment and tools, developing state-of-the-art laboratories, and supporting new research projects are essential to Siteman’s ability to stay at the forefront of new discoveries.

In some instances, the most innovative and novel ideas may not yet qualify for traditional grant funding. This is why gifts to the Discovery Fund are critical to Siteman’s success.

The Discovery Fund Allows Siteman Cancer Center To:

  • Respond quickly to the most promising research projects. This allows our scientists to actively pursue new lines of discovery, often before other sources of funding—such as National Cancer Institute grant awards—are available.

  • Recruit talented faculty, establish state-of-the-art laboratories, and provide needed resources that are necessary for grant-funded projects to succeed.

  • Award support to our research scientists through a multi-tiered vetting process based on each project’s potential impact for our patients.

  • Enhance researchers’ ability to leverage support from the Discovery Fund into long-term, sustained funding.

Cancer center support is leveraged at a rate of 25 to 1. This means that for every $1 invested, an additional $25 in funding is obtained through organizations such as the National Institutes of Health. In many cases, this secondary funding would not be attainable without the initial Discovery Fund investments.